In addition to system columns such as Modify and Modify By, SharePoint document libraries enable configuring additional columns, which are usually used for document metadata, e.g. Document ID and Account Number. These metadata fields can then be used for document search and filtering on SharePoint, which also enables advanced scenarios including workflows, archiving and integrations.
Starting with Docentric 3.4.0, reports can be saved to SharePoint document libraries with columns which get populated with report metadata. This functionality is called Saving to SharePoint with metadata fields.
Saving with metadata is triggered via saving to SharePoint, Attachments and Print archive print options, if the target document library is configured so in Docentric report setup > SharePoint settings for the executing report. To map SharePoint document library columns with report metadata, common and report specific placeholders are used.
Watch this video to learn how to configure saving to SharePoint with metadata fields, using the Sales invoice report as an example.