Design and Templating Capabilities
Microsoft Word is used as a true WYSIWYG designer offering powerful styles and layout options that cannot be found in any other reporting designer.
Docentric designs are just ordinary Word documents, which you already know how to format to look professional, right? They are also tagged with data-bound placeholders to make some of their parts dynamic, such as paragraphs, tables, bulleted lists, images, text-boxes, shapes and charts.
Check some of the possibilities below.
Paragraphs with Placeholders
Repeating Blocks as Tables, Bulleted or Numbered Lists
Nested Repeating Blocks
Repeating Blocks Each Starting on a New Page
Repeating Blocks as Horizontal Tables
Conditionally Included or Excluded Content
Images and Shapes
Headers, Footers, First Page, Even & Odd Pages, Multiple Sections
Multilingual preview
This is just a tip of the iceberg. There is a plethora of other techniques, layout options and approaches that can be employed to achieve the wanted results. If you are still not sure if Docentric AX can fulfill your reporting needs, contact us and we will gladly help you determine if this is the right tool for you.