Adding file attachments to a record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (D365FO) is a straightforward process from the user's perspective. The user only clicks the paperclip icon 📎, selects a file for the attachment, and the attachment is added to the record. When […]
Category: Docentric AX Free Edition (96)
D365FO Released Product Details: How We Fixed Two Bugs and Found a Workaround for Creating Alert Rules
The Released Products -> Released Product Details form is bound to the InventTableModule table (Inventory module parameters) in 3 different roles: Purch (Purchase), Sales (Sell) and Invent (Manage costs) – this table acts as 3 different data sources. The field InventTableModule.Price appears in the fast […]
Improved strSplit() Method in X++
How String.Split() works in C# Check the Microsoft documentation on String.Split() >> The optional parameter of type StringSplitOptions allows you to specify options such as whether to omit empty substrings from the returned array or trim whitespace from substrings. This enumeration supports a bitwise combination […]
Print Management for the Curious
This is the second article on Print management in D365FO, describing some of the advanced features of Print management. If you are new to Print management, please read the first article, Print Management in Simple Words, which describes the basics. Conditional Print management setting Conditional […]