Receiving this message when sending a customer statement.
weird thing is the placeholder list just doesn’t seem right, I don’t see the placeholders I usually see.
Hi Dave,
welcome to our community.
Please send me the picture below for the report Customer Account Statement. Also, could you please check if you have changed the DSP class in the Docentric report setup for the report Customer Account Statement?
Thank you!
Hi David,
please send me a picture of the print management settings for that report. Also, could you please check if you have changed the DSP class in the Docentric report setup for the report Customer Account Statement?
Thank you!
Hi David,
in the picture I sent you, the column on the right is labeled “Source DSP Class”. Could you please check this in your environment?
If I go into the workspace and select reports, then select the customer account statement and click placeholder list. The custom placeholders show up.
If I go to AR, select the customer account statement and select printer setup and choose placeholders they don’t show up.
Hi David,
Hi David,
I can see in the picture that these are two different reports. I’m guessing report
is your custom report. Please, register your custom report in Docentric setup and select the correct dsp class. After that, check the form for placeholders.
Hi Natasa,
Thanks for the patience and help!
report is registered, placeholders now show up in the list but do not grab the @custname@ or @custaccount@ or anything in the subject line.
Also the subject should show @CustAccount@ @CustName@ and it doesn’t.
Hi David,
no problem, we are here to help you .
Did you encounter any error when printing the report? Please check if you are printing the correct report, and you can send us a picture of how you’re printing it. Thank you!
Hi Dave,
I reviewed your communication so far and have some additional questions:
- Is this a Free or Full Edition?
- Did you do any placeholder customization on the DocCustAccountStatementExtReportDSP class?
It is strange that you don’t see the custom placeholders if you open them for this custom report.
Hi Albin,
This is the free edition, Not to my knowledge I believe the doccustaccountstatemnetextreportdsp class has not been modified.
I’ve added and readded the placeholders and nothing seems to work. Any other thoughts?
Hi Dave,
So you see the placeholders for your custom report, but they are not resolved at runtime. None of the placeholders (standard or custom) are resolved, right?
What about another report. Do the placeholders work there?
Yes, we have a free text invoice report and the placeholders work there.
Correct none of the placeholders are resolved standard or custom
Hi Dave,
If this happens in the development environment, you can debug the execution and try to determine the cause that way.
If it’s a different environment, try to replicate the issue in a development environment where debugging is possible and ask a developer to debug the execution.
I can’t think of anything else you could try.
Hi Dave,
We discussed about your issue internally and there are some other things you can try.
For some reason your placeholders don’t get resolved. A developer in development environment could debug the code, as I suggested, to see what data is available at the time when placeholders get resolved.
But let’s troubleshoot it some more. Please enable displaying report technical name (explanation here).
Then run the report with the Generation options > Generate DDSP when report runs set to Yes on the Docentric AX reports form. You will get a DDSP file with the data that you are getting in the report. You will also see the infolog with the report name. Please take a screenshot of this infolog.
Next, change the DDSP class to the default one by clicking Set default DSP:
Then run the report again with the Generation options > Generate DDSP when report runs set to Yes. You will get the second DDSP file.
Please send us both DDSP files and the screenshot with the infolog to for the analysis.