Multiple templates for statement in same company

Hi Support,

We have a need for 3 different statements in the same company, based on the product and billing type.

So for normal customers, we need statement A.
For customers that have a Google product, we need statement B.
For customers with billing type XXXXX, we need customer C.

The condition will be set under print management:

How do I load 3 different templates under CustAccountStatementExt.Report?

Hi @Nicky,

Have you added all three templates on the report setup page for CustAccountStatementExt.Report?

You can take a look at our how-to manual How to Set Up Report Templates.

Hope this helps!

I got it sorted. The problem was the “Use print management destination” toggle that was set to No, so it didn’t pick up my additional templates and conditions.


Thank you, this ticket can be closed.