any possibility to have multilanguage in a field:
Im trying to make a field using if but i want to have 2 languages like:
so if @checked is true want to choose “done” in english or “completé” in fresh, in if @checked is false want to get “Incompete” in english or “non complété” in frensh. and it depend on system language.
This is due to binding. In your Field you have bound @Checked to MainData without providing the path. As this is within the List of MSM_TaskTransOperations, I figured you want to output @Checked in multiple lines. To get the desired output, set the binding to Data Context:
@SemirT Yes correcte i missed that. thank you I did as you suggested using
iif(@Checked= “True”,label(“@DOC_LABEL:Done”),label(“@DOC_LABEL:Incomplete”))