Multilanguage in a condition in a field

Hello Guys,

any possibility to have multilanguage in a field:
Im trying to make a field using if but i want to have 2 languages like:


so if @checked is true want to choose “done” in english or “completé” in fresh, in if @checked is false want to get “Incompete” in english or “non complété” in frensh. and it depend on system language.

Possiblity to get that?


Hi @Momo ,

You coud use nested iif() statements to leverage values in GeneralData/Misc/@LanguageId, for example:

iif(@Checked = ‘true’, iif(Misc/@LanguageId = ‘en-us’, ‘done’, iif(Misc/@LanguageId = ‘fr’, ‘completé’, ‘’)), iif(Misc/@LanguageId = ‘en-us’, ‘incomplete’, iif(Misc/@LanguageId = ‘fr’, ‘non completé’, ‘’)))

Hello @SemirT,
I could manage that using labels and function xpath:
iif(@Checked= “True”,label(“@DOC_LABEL:Done”),label(“@DOC_LABEL:Incomplete”))

the probels is that I tried with a simple iif and didnt get the result iif(@checked=‘true’,‘Done’,‘Incomplete’)


: here u can find the file exemple, can u make a quick look


Forms.docx (145.6 KB)

Hi @Momo ,

This is due to binding. In your Field you have bound @Checked to MainData without providing the path. As this is within the List of MSM_TaskTransOperations, I figured you want to output @Checked in multiple lines. To get the desired output, set the binding to Data Context:

@SemirT Yes correcte i missed that. thank you I did as you suggested using
iif(@Checked= “True”,label(“@DOC_LABEL:Done”),label(“@DOC_LABEL:Incomplete”))

And I get my result.

Thank you