Conversion error on customer statement

Hi Support,

I’m getting a conversion error on my customer statement I did not have before.

We created a new report and when I loaded the new .ddsp, the due date errored out. All the bindings are set to Data Context as the statement lines are grouped.

Template and .ddsp attached.

WLPGoogleCustStatementExt.ReportScheduleLines_CBD.ddsp (93.9 KB)
WOL google statement.docx (54.9 KB)

Hi Nicky,

Since you are displaying the data in the Group tagging element, you need to be aware that there may be more than one record present in the group. Therefore you should just display the field from one record, where all records contain the same value of the field. In your scenario, you just need to filter on first record (see #1 in the screenshot below). Since you are displaying a date, I also added the Format string to show only the date and not the time (see #2).

Kind regards,