Video Multiple Projects on D365FO Onebox Using Git

Choosing the right version control for D365FO customizations and development makes the life of any team easier. In this session, our expert Klemen Novak, CTO at Docentric, discusses how Git compares to TFVC, branching capabilities and strategies, and demonstrates in action how to use Git with multiple projects in a single D365FO development environment.

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2 thoughts on “Multiple Projects on D365FO Onebox Using Git

  1. This is a great post for people who are thinking of switching from tvfc to git.

    Is it possible to work on different features but within same model with this strategy?

    1. Hi Mahesh,

      Thank you for your kind words! 🌟

      Yes, you can absolutely work on different features within the same model. By leveraging Git’s branching capabilities, each feature can be developed in its own branch, ensuring isolation and avoiding conflicts. 🌱

      This allows for iterative development, frequent testing, and continuous integration, making the development process more fluid and responsive to changes 🔄. Once the feature is ready, it can be merged back into the main or develop branch (depending on the branching strategy), ensuring that the main branch remains stable and production-ready at all times 🚀.

      Happy coding! 🛠️

      Best regards,
      Klemen 😊

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