How to Make Multilingual Reports and Documents

Use Labels with Docentric Word Templates

A document is generated in the context of the currently selected record of a Primary Table from the template that is set up to work with the current company and the current user language. The corresponding template can also be language-neutral.

Docentric AX introduces support for multilingual Word documents through the use of labels on Word templates.

You can use:
1. System labels of all data included in the document data source, and that are delivered out-of-the box.
2. In addition you can add custom labels for each Word Template through the Docentric Document Template Library setup form.

Use Labels with Docentric Reports

To print a Docentric report the template which is automatically selected to be used is the one that is marked as the default template for the run-time language for this report. However, the most common scenario is to use language-neutral templates with labels that are automatically translated to the report run-time language when report is executed.

Automatic template selection when report runs, among all available and enabled default templates, is done considering the runtime language and company. However, no matter if the template is language neutral or language specific, the use of labels on the template stays the same – there is no technical limitations in this regard. It is entirely up to you how you will organize the templates for a report in terms of languages and, more often, companies.

You can use on report templates:
1. System labels of all data included in the report data source, and that are delivered out-of-the box.
2. In addition you can add custom labels for each report through the report setup form.

Add custom labels you want to use when design a report in addition to system labels:

You can use the built-in Label editor for adding/editing custom labels. You can also use temporary labels during development and get them replaced after check-in to TFS.

Preview languages

If you use labels on a report template, you will be able to preview the report from within Docentric AX Designer (MS Word) in one of the previously selected so called Preview languages.

You can select Preview languages through the Print destination settings form when you generate the DDSP file (Docentric Data Source Package) for a report.

In the designer, after you load the generated DDSP file, you will have the previously selected Preview languages at your disposal.

You can bound Label tagging element to a system label (e.g. NumberOfWorkers) or to a custom label (e.g. Department number).

On the Data Source pane you can switch between different Preview languages. Let’s select German as the current preview language and click the Preview button.

The result is below.

On the Data Source pane you can switch between different Preview languages. Let’s now select Japanese as the current preview language and click the Preview button.

The result is below.

At the report execution time all labels from the template are translated to the run-time report language. Usually, this is the current user language but in case, e.g. Customer invoice, this is the language of the customer.

See also

How to Set Up Reports >>
How to Set Up Word Templates >>
How to Design Templates >>
Download SSRS Report examples >>
Download Word Template examples >>