SSRS Report Docentric Replicas
Accounts receivable
SSRS report name | Description | Resources | How to use |
SalesInvoice.Report | Customer invoice See how to design this report step by step >> |
Optimized replica | |
FreeTextInvoice.Report | Free text invoice | Optimized replica | |
CustAccountStatementExt.Report | Customer account statement | Optimized replica | |
CustInterestNote.Report | Interest note | Optimized replica | |
CustCollectionJour.Report | Collection letter note | Optimized replica | |
AgreementConfirmation.Report | Sales agreement confirmation | Replica | |
SalesQuotationConfirmation.Report | Confirmation |
Optimized replica Replica |
SalesQuotation.Report | Quotation |
Optimized replica Replica |
SalesConfirm.Report | Sales order confirmation |
Optimized replica Replica |
SalesPackingSlip.Report | Sales order packing slip | Replica |
Accounts payable
SSRS report name | Description | Resources | How to use |
PurchPurchaseOrder.Report | Purchase order |
Optimized replica Replica |
PurchReceiptsList.Report | Purchase order product receipt | Replica | |
PurchPackingSlip.Report | Purchase order receipts list | Replica | |
RFQSend.Report | Request for quotation | Optimized replica | |
AgreementConfirmation.Report | Purchase agreement confirmation | Replica | |
VendInvoiceDocument.Report | Vendor invoice | Optimized replica |
General ledger
SSRS report name | Description | Resources | How to use |
LedgerTransListAccount.Report | Ledger transaction list | Replica |
1. What are Docentric replicas
This are copies or replicas of the built-in SSRS report designs created with Docentric designer. All data from a SSRS report is by default completely reused in the created Docentric design. Docentric designs or layouts are called report templates. These templates are just ordinary Word documents with special tags used to show report data. So, a Docentric replica of a particular SSRS report design is a Docentric template which has the same data and uses similar styles and formats as the source SSRS report design.
2. What are Optimized Docentric replicas
These are Docentric replicas with optimized report data source. Sometimes in the source SSRS report there is only one table which contains both header and line fields (e.g. Customer account statement, Collection letter note, etc.). This can cause performance issues and also difficulties when such a report is customized. This is the reason why their data source is reshaped and restructured into header and line ‘records’. On the other hand, in some reports such as Customer or Free text invoice, hundreds of fields are kept together in the single table instead of multiple ones, so these data are also reshaped and regrouped into meaningful sections, enabling this way much easier and faster report design.
3. Why some reports only have Optimized replicas
Some reports have only Optimized replicas because otherwise it would be very hard to design and customize them, or their performance would be affected.
4. How report data source is optimized for Optimized Docentric replicas
To be able to reuse original SSRS report data, Docentric AX Framework fetches the data from SSRS report RDP tables that are filled by SSRS report data provider, and serialize them into XML always in the same manner: each record from a report RDP table becomes an XML element and each field from this table becomes its XML attribute. This XML is called DDSP (Docentric Data Source Package), and both Docentric designer and Docentric Server understand it. Serialization of SSRS RDP tables to DDSP is done by the the default Docentric DSP (Data Source Provider) class called DocDataSourceProviderSrsReporting.
Thus, we could also say that Optimized Docentric replicas are those which use a custom Docentric DSP class.
Read more about Docentric DSP classes >>
5. How can I add some additional data to my report
Standard approach
If you want to add some additional data to your report, you can do it in the standard way: add new fields to the built-in SSRS report RDP table(s), and implement business logic within the built-in SSRS report data provider class (e.g. PurchPurchaseOrderDP for the Purchase order report). The newly added fields will be visible immediately in the regenerated DDSP file, so you can use them to customize your report further with Docentric designer.
We encourage you to use this standard approach for a particular report if you plan to switch from Docentric to SSRS design in the same AX project. Sometimes this can be a better approach in terms of performance as well.
Docentric approach
The alternative way of adding additional data to your report is to add them without modifying the built-in SSRS report artifacts (RDP tables, DP class) through the code in a custom Docentric DSP class for this report.
Read all about this technique >>
Hence, using a custom Docentric DSP class doesn't mean only optimizing report data source. It also enables much faster development as well as great flexibility regarding data shaping and structuring. For example, using this approach you can easily add a sub-line for each line of a quote, or any other entity. Otherwise, you would need to create and fill an additional RDP table. You can also structure additional (and existing) data into meaningful groups, exclude unnecessary data, etc.
6. Why do I not see my custom data in Optimized replica
If you use an Optimized replica (that has a custom Docentric DSP class), it can happen that you don’t see the custom fields your company has added to the built-in SSRS report RDP tables for customization purposes in the report DDSP file, or similarly, you don’t see the newly added fields in the regenerated report DDSP file.
Custom fields are not visible in the report DDSP file means that you don’t see these fields in the Docentric designer when you load the DDSP file while customizing the report, starting from its Optimized Docentric replica.
In this case please open the custom DSP class and search for all TODO tasks. One of them will suggest you where and how to handle this issue.
7. How can I develop a completely new SSRS report
You can imagine that custom Docentric DSP classes play the main role when developing a custom report from scratch. Learn more >>