Step-by-step guide: Export report settings and templates and import them in a new environment

This is a short article on how to export Docentric AX report settings and customized templates from one environment to another.

I assume that you have the Docentric AX SSRS Replicas model installed in both environments. Then you probably made changes to some reports and saved the modified template in Azure Blob Storage. Maybe you have added additional reports and prepared Docentric templates for them. This is a very common scenario.

Just follow the steps below:

  1. Open Docentric AX reports form and select the rows which you want to move into some different environment (see #1 below). Then select Tools > Export setup data and this will open export dialog, where you just confirm it and then you get an XML file which downloads in the browser.

  2. Now repeat the process for downloading the template files:

  3. Here you don’t need to select download of all the templates, but just the ones which were customized. The settings below are most commonly used:

This export creates a zip file with the customized Word templates.

  1. The steps above take care of exporting the report settings and templates. There can potentially be some other data which you would like to migrate to the target environment: Email templates, User-defined labels, Electronic signature appearances, Restricted printers, and User printers. If you want to migrate them too, we prepared data entities which you can use for exporting and importing these data. Standard Data management framework is used for the export and import of these data entities. Read our documentation for the details.

  2. To import previously downloaded report settings and templates, open Docentric AX Reports form in the target environment and select Tools > Import setup data, select the setup XML file which you previously exported and run the import.

  3. Now you need to import custom templates. Select Tools > Upload template files, select the setup XML file which you previously exported. If you are uploading the custom templates on Azure blob storage you select that, alternatively you can upload the templates to SharePoint.

  4. The target environment will have Docentric AX SSRS Replicas model installed so all the reports included there will be already available. With the import of all report settings and customized templates you are ready to start using them.

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