Let’s say that we want to email purchase order to a vendor primary contact or to all vendor contacts which have a specific contact purpose assigned.
First we have to create a Contact information purpose. Navigate to Company/Organization administration/Setup/Global address book and open the Address and contact information purpose form.
Add a new Contact information purpose entry and name it as PO.
Navigate to Company/Accounts payable/Common/Vendors and open the All vendors list page. For all vendors you need to send purchase order to certain vendor contacts open the Vendors form. Open the Contact information fast tab and click the More options dropdown button, and then the Advance button. The Edit contact information form is open.
Click the Add button and enter a new contact information of type E-mail address. Turn the Primary option. This means that this contact represents primary vendor contact.
Click the Add button and enter another contact information, also of type E-mail address. Select PO – Email purchase orders as Purpose.
This contact now has a purpose for emailing purchase orders. This means that each time when a purchase order for the US-103 vendor is emailed, and for an email address is specified @PO@ as a placeholder, the purchase order will be sent to this email and every other contact information of the US-103 vendor that has PO assigned as Purpose.
This is the final result for contact information of the US-103 vendor.
Let’s go now to the Print management setup form to set up use of the PO contact information purpose. Navigate to Company/Accounts payable/Setup/Forms and open the Print management setup form. Locate the Purchase order report and open the Print destination settings form.
Select the PO vendor purpose:
Also turn on the Vendor primary contact option:
As a result in the To field of Email print destination settings we will get @PO@;@@.
@PO@ represents the PO contact information purpose and @@ represents vendor primary contact.
When we execute a purchase order to the Email print destination (e.g. by clicking the Use print management button on the Purchase order confirmations form) this email will be sent to the vendor primary contact, if defined and to all vendor contacts with the PO contact information purpose assigned.
If you want to use placeholders in order to customize email body, subject or attachment filename please read this article.
i did the same configuration but it is not working for me
This article explains how to use the primary email (@@) or a particular contact purpose as Email tokens (@@) when emailing AP reports to the corresponding vendors. Note that this is the built-in functionality supported from AX 2012 CU7, so maybe this is the problem?
You can learn more here:
Kind regards,