User Favorite Printers

If there are numerous network printers in a company, users might have trouble finding the exact printer they need. A solution to this problem is to let users maintain a list of their favorite printers, that is applied to printer lookup form. Administrator can also maintain User favorite printers for all users, but users have the final word in fine-tuning their own configuration and specifying how it will be applied.

Administrator: Enable User favorite printers

To enable the User favorite printers feature, go to Docentric AX parameters > Print destinations > Printer print destination and in the User printers field group set User printers mode to User favorite printers:

Because network printers are company-specific, we also have the option of setting up per-company configuration.

Once the feature is enabled, Administrator can configure User favorite printers for selected users (or all users). Administrator can do it from the printer perspective and from the user perspective.

Administrator: Set up User favorite printers by printer

To set up the users who will have the selected printers as favorite, go to Docentric AX parameters > Print destinations > Printer print destination > User printers > Set up by printer:

This will open the User printers by printer form in the grid view, where we see a list of all registered network printers in the current company and in the right-most column a number of users having a given printer as favorite:

You can perform these bulk operations on multiple selected printers:

  • Add users: a dialog with users opens, where you can multi-select the users to which you want to assign the selected printers. If operation is done on a single printer, this dialog lists only the users who don’t have this printer already assigned. Otherwise, all users are listed.
  • Add all users: after a prompt, the selected printers will be assigned to all users.
  • Add user roles: a dialog with all user roles opens. You can multi-select the user roles, and selected printers will be assigned to all users in the selected user roles. Please note that there isn’t a link between the user roles and favorite printers, but this serves only as a helper to avoid selecting user-by-user.
  • Remove users: a dialog with users opens, where you can multi-select the users from which you want to remove the selected printers. If operation is done on a single printer, this dialog lists only the users who have this printer assigned. Otherwise, all users are listed.
  • Remove all users: after a prompt, the selected printers will be removed from all users.
  • Remove user roles: a dialog with all user roles opens. You can multi-select the user roles, and the selected printers will be removed from all users in the selected user roles.

In the Links group of menu items you will find some useful links for quick access to other related settings, such as Users, Network printers, Restricted printers and User default printer.

Above that there is the Set up by user button, which takes you to the User printers by user view, and the View all button, that opens a flat view of user printers setup.

Going into the detail view for a selected printer, you can see all users having the selected printer assigned as favorite. There are again some actions that can be performed on the selected users, similar to the actions on the grid view:

Administrator: Set up User favorite printers by user

To set up the printers that will be favorite for the selected users, go to Docentric AX parameters > Print destinations > Printer print destination > User printers > Set up by user:

This will open the User printers by user form in a grid view, where we see a list of all users and in the right-most column a number of their favorite printers:

You can perform these bulk operations on multiple selected printers:

  • Add printers: a dialog with network printers for the current company opens, where you can multi-select the printers you want to assign to the selected users. If operation is done on a single user, this dialog lists only the printers that are not already assigned to the user. Otherwise, all printers are listed.
  • Add all printers: after a prompt, all printers will be assigned to the selected users.
  • Remove printers: a dialog with network printers for the current company opens, where you can multi-select the printers you want to remove from the selected users. If operation is done on a single user, this dialog lists only the printers assigned to the user. Otherwise, all printers are listed.
  • Remove all printers: after a prompt, all printers will be removed from the selected users.

In the Links group of menu items you will find some useful links for quick access to other related settings, such as Users, Network printers, Restricted printers and User default printer.

Above that there is the Set up by printer button, that takes you to the User printers by printer view, and View all button, that opens a flat view of user printers setup.

Going into the detail view for a selected user, you can see all favorite printers assigned to the selected user. There are again some actions that can be performed on the selected printers, similar to the actions on the grid view.

Pay attention to the menu items with Up and Down arrows – you can use them to setup the order in which the printers will appear in the lookup.

User: Set up your own favorite printers

Users have the final word here. They can remove whatever the Administrator configured for them and create their own configuration by going to User options > Account > Docentric settings:

My favorite printers menu item opens a detail view of the User printers by user form, filtered only for the current user.

Printers I want to see has the following values:

  • All printers: ignore the user favorite printers setting and always offer all printers.
  • My favorite printers only: show only the user favorite printers in the printer lookup form. Printers will be sorted in the same order as configured in the User favorite printers form.
  • My favorite printers first: show first the user favorite printers, then all remaining printers. User favorite printers will be sorted in the same order as configured in the User favorite printers form.

Image below illustrates 3 favorite printers configured for one user and what that user gets in the printer lookup with My favorite printers only and My favorite printers first selection:

If Report Restricted Printers feature is enabled, it might happen that users don’t see all their favorite printers in the printer lookup. If some of the user favorite printers is restricted for the current report, that printer won’t be offered in the printer lookup. Learn more about Report restricted printers >>

See also

User Favorite Printers Video >>
User Allowed Printers >>
Report Restricted Printers >>
User Default Printer >>