Additional Email Tokens

In addition to standard Print management email tokens Purpose (@<Purpose>@) and Primary contact (@@), additional email tokens are introduced:

  • Order email (@OrderEmail@),
  • Project email (@ProjEmail@),
  • RFQ vendor email (@RFQVendorEmail@),
  • Quote email (@QuoteEmail@),
  • Delivery address purpose (@DLV_<Purpose>@),
  • Delivery address primary contact (@DLV@).
Additional email tokens can also be used with the Unresolved email tokens handling feature, which will process them in the same way as the standard D365FO email tokens.

Order email token

The Order email token is applicable to the reports which have related Sales Order (SO) or Purchase Order (PO). When used, it is resolved as an email configured on the related SO or PO.

SO-related reports:

  • Customer invoice
  • Sales order confirmation
  • Sales order packing slip
  • Sales quotation

PO-related reports:

  • Purchase order
  • Purchase order product receipt
  • Purchase order purchase inquiry
  • Purchase order receipts list
  • Vendor invoice

Reports where this token can be used have additional Order email check-box in the Assign email addresses form. When switched ON, it results in the @OrderEmail@ text in the corresponding To, Cc or Bcc field. The opposite is also true, if @OrderEmail@ is manually entered into a To, Cc or Bcc field, then the Order email check-box is switched ON in the helper form:

Project email token

The Project email token is applicable to the reports which have related Project. When used, it is resolved as all Email addresses on related Projects. Every Email address from the related Projects will appear only once in the resolved Email addresses.

Project-related reports:

  • Project invoice with billing rules
  • Project invoice without billing rules
  • Project quotation
  • User defined project invoice

Reports where this token can be used have additional Project email check-box in the Assign email addresses form. When switched ON, it results in the @ProjEmail@ text in the corresponding To, Cc or Bcc field. The opposite is also true, if @ProjEmail@ is manually entered into a To, Cc or Bcc field, then the Project email check-box is switched ON in the helper form:

RFQ email token

The RFQ vendor email token (@RFQVendorEmail@) applies only to the Request for quotation (RFQSend) report and it is resolved as Email from RFQ Journal (VendRFQJour), which is copied during posting from the corresponding Vendor record in RFQ Case.

Quote email token

The Quote email token (@QuoteEmail@) applies to the Project quotation (PSAQuotations) report, the Sales quotation (SalesQuotation) report and the Sales quotation confirmation (SalesQuotationConfirmation) report.

It is resolved as the value of the Email field from the header of Sales/Project quotation (SalesQuotationTable). The Email field (SalesQuotationTable.Email) is populated when a quotation is created, obtained from the primary contact information of the prospect/customer.


The Email field is not visible on the Sales and Project quotation forms, but it can be added via personalization and edited if needed.

Delivery address email tokens

Delivery address email tokens are released with Docentric version 3.4.1.
They are applicable to the reports where delivery address is known. Docentric supports these tokens:

  • Delivery address purpose token (@DLV_Purpose@) is resolved as Email contact with given purpose specified on the journal delivery address.
  • Delivery address primary contact token (@DLV@) is resolved as primary Email contact specified on the journal delivery address.

Delivery address emails are Contact information of type Email address of this delivery address. They can be configured as a primary email or decorated with multiple Contact information purposes from the report related customer or vendor.


See also

Unresolved Email Tokens Handling >>
Report Email Sending Settings >>
How to Use Report Email Templates >>