How to Use the New Memory Print Destination

If you only want to generate a report as a container, byte array or memory stream, in order to send it to a web service or to implement some other custom scenarios, you don’t have to use the File print destination. You can use the new Docentric print destination called Memory that enables printing report to a container (byte array or memory stream) using either the original built-in SSRS report design or one of the related Docentric designs (aka templates).

In the following example we are going to generate Customer Invoice using its default Docentric design (aka template) and save it to a memory stream or container using the Docentric Memory print destination.

Use the DocSrsReportGenerator class

You can generate your report as a container, byte array or memory stream more easily (e.g. without subscribing to renderingComplete) if you use a helper class DocSrsReportGenerator.

The DocSrsReportGenerator class is introduced in 3.3.8 Docentric version and utilizes the Docentric Memory print destination. Learn how to use DocSrsReportGenerator >>

See also

How to Run a Docentric SSRS Report from Code >>
How to Use Custom Placeholders in Print Destinations >>
How to Change Print Destination Settings Dynamically >>