How to Add Docentric AX Models to TFS/Azure DevOps
Learn which Docentric AX models are available and which models to install >>
Docentric AX SSRS Replicas and optional models Docentric AX Warehouse Labels and Docentric AX CBD Replicas are not covered by this manual but the approach of adding their artifacts to TFS is the same as for the typical models such as Docentric AX Extension and Docentric AX Emails; the Docentric AX model is specific because of the additional DLL file.
Clean installation: Add regular model artifacts to TFS
After you import these models using the script or the ModelUtil command line tool (see How to Install Docentric AX via Models) and then open Windows Explorer, you will notice in <ServiceNode>:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory three new folders. These folders represent so called AX packages and in case of the Docentric AX product each of them contains exactly one model:
All artifacts from the marked folders on the image below should be added to TFS version control.
In each of the Descriptor folders you will find the single model descriptor file, whereas DocentricAX\Docentric AX, DocentricAXExtension\Docentric AX Extension, DocentricAXEmails\Docentric AX Emails contain all model’s source files. They are XML files and contain definitions of Docentric classes, forms, tables, etc. as well as extensions of the built-in D365FO artifacts. These artifacts should all be added to TFS version control.
The Docentric AX model ships with an additional library (DLL) installed in the DocentricAX\bin folder, which contain the document rendering engine and helper C# libraries. This DLL file will appear in the DocentricAX\bin folder after the Docentric AX model is installed and it should also be added to TFS as described below.
Clean installation: Add Docentric DLL (Docentric.AX.dll) to TFS
Starting from version 3.3.9, all Docentric DLL files are merged into Docentric.AX.dll (a single DLL). This DLL should be added to TFS.
Upgrade installation: Commit changes to TFS
After you replace (upgrade) the Docentric AX models with scripts or manually, the model folders and descriptor files will be automatically updated. New files will be added and old ones removed, while Docentric DLL file in the bin folder of the DocentricAX package will be updated.
If you would like to check-in all the changes of the upgraded Docentric AX models, make sure that all these changes are listed in Team Explorer\Included Changes, before checking-in them to TFS. Updates are included automatically, while deleted files have to be manually promoted from Team Explorer\Excluded Changes > Detected. New files have to be added manually as well (Add Items to Folder).
After building Docentric AX models
After building Docentric AX core models, the bin folder will be created for the DocentricAXExtension and DocentricAXEmails packages, whereas the bin folder of the DocentricAX package is created immediately after the import of the Docentric AX model, and it contains the Docentric DLL (Docentric.AX.dll).
After the build, all bin folders will be filled with Microsoft DLLs and other files, so bear in mind that only the Docentric DLL (Docentric.AX.dll) should be put under TFS version control.
If you put any other files from the bin folder of the DocentricAX package under TFS, you will see the changed objects in Pending changes after each build.
See also
How to Unlock the Product >>
How to Install Docentric AX Designer >>
How to Set Up Docentric AX >>