TL8: Use Multiple Templates per Report
Welcome to Training Lesson #8 | Download Training Lab Resources
In order to start with this lesson, you have to complete Training Lesson #7 first, since it proceeds from the point where the previous lesson ended.
Help yourself with this tutorial >>
- Use multiple templates for Non Print Management reports (e.g. Number of workers report)
- Use multiple templates for Print Management reports (e.g. Purchase order)
- Learn about the concept of the default template and the Original and Copy Preview buttons >>
- TASK #4: Dynamically change the default template for Purchase order: Depending on which report menu item starts report execution, i.e. whether Original or Copy is demanded, use the different Docentric template.
The solution of the task you will find in the overrideReportRunSettings() method of the DTPurchPurchaseOrderDSP_OverrideRRS class.