TL4: Develop a New Custom SSRS Report
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GOAL: Develop a new report showing all purchase orders that are invoiced in the given period. Parameters for the report should be the From and To date, and there is also a flag that represents whether only the big orders (> 100K) should be considered for the report.
- TASK #1: Create a report menu item and a dummy RDP data provider with no X++ logic. Create a real report data contract class because of the report parameters. Create an SSRS Report with one design (e.g. AutoDesign) and add it to AOT.
- TASK #2: Register this dummy SSRS report as a Docentric report.
- TASK #3: Create a custom Docentric DSP (Data Source Provider) class (DTNewCustomSSRSReportDSP) and implement the generateXmlDataSource() method. You can use this VS DSP class template. Remove all other methods except the description() method.
- TASK #4: Generate the DDSP file by opening the report menu item and selecting the Generate DS print destination. Design the template, assign the template to the report in Docentric report setup, and run the report from D365FO.
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In this lesson’s resources you will find the DT_DocDummySSRSReport_Report AOT resource, a Word document that represents the Docentric template for the new custom report. Templates located in AOT are called System templates and can be used with the Reload system templates functionality. In previous lessons you already learned that you can save Docentric templates as AOT resources but also in Azure Blob storage, SharePoint or File system. All approaches have their pros and cons. Learn more >>