We all like Alerts because they keep us on top of our schedule and make our daily work easier 😌. However, Alerts in D365FO remained at rather basic level with great potential for improvement. And that's where our expert Miha Vuk comes in 🏃.
Miha took a deep dive into alerts and discovered fancy hidden features such as Conditional alert rules. He also developed customizations that will supercharge your alerts, such as Alert email templates, Emailing via Email distributor batch, Alert summary emails and more!
Want to take your Alerts to the next level ⏭️? Attend Miha's session and learn things about Alerts you can’t find anywhere else.
View PowerPoint Presentation
Community Summit NA Presentation: Alerts++ in D365FO >>
See Also
Alerts++ in D365FO - Part 1 >>
Alerts++ in D365FO - Part 2 >>
Create Alert in a ⚡Single Click in D365FO >>